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Nixon thanks Henry for reporting on his 1964 Republication National Convention speech.
Los Angeles Times publisher Otis Chandler writes a brief note to Henry about a Los Angeles Times advertisement that supports the Kennedy administration. Although the Times endorsed Nixon in the 1960 presidential election, Chandler was personally…
Previous to serving as the sports technical director for the 1932 Los Angeles Olympic Games, Henry reported on Olympics-related events in Los Angeles, as well as the 1928 Olympic Games in Amsterdam.
LA Times editor L.D. Hotchkiss requests that Henry return to Los Angeles from Europe, where he was covering the war, to begin writing a new column for the Los Angeles Times. "By the Way" would run daily in the Times for the next thirty years. (The…
As sports technical director, Bill Henry inspects rule booklets for the 1932 Los Angeles Olympic Games, translated by Julia C. Mayer.
An aerial view of the Olympic Village built for the 1932 Los Angeles Olympic Games, for which Henry served as sports technical director.
Henry discusses possible funding sources for Douglas' airline manufacturing company, which he eventually established in Santa Monica, California. Henry successfully assisted Douglas in acquiring funding from Los Angeles Times publisher Harry…
An arial view of the Douglas Aircraft Company in Santa Monica. Henry assisted Donald Douglas in securing a loan to establish his company in Los Angeles in 1920.
Pat Yeomans discusses her father, Bill Henry, in the Bill Henry Room at Occidental College.
A short documentary about Bill Henry produced for Occidental College in 1971. Featuring Bill Henry, Patricia Yeomans, and Harold Wagner.
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