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The Rise of Los Angeles and American News Media

William Mellors "Bill" Henry (1890-1970) was an American writer and journalist who lived and worked in Los Angeles, California from 1907-1970. Primarily known for his newspaper column, By the Way, which appeared daily in the Los Angeles Times from 1939-1971, he also worked as a news broadcaster for several networks throughout his career, and authored An Approved History of the Olympic Games (G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1948). Graduate of Occidental College (class of 1914), father of three daughters, and Los Angeles civic leader, Henry continued to write for the Times until his death in 1970 at age 80.

This exhibit interprets Henry’s role in both the rapid development of the city of Los Angeles, and the evolution of American news journalism during the 20th century. Selected items from the Bill Henry Collection at the Occidental College Library illustrate specific social, political, and economic issues within these larger historical frameworks.

Newly added: Index of articles and columns by Bill Henry in The Los Angeles Times newspaper.

Designed by Kate Dundon, Bill Henry Project Archivist, August, 2012. Updated April 2020 by Ryan Link '2018 and Dale Ann Stieber, Special Collections & College Archives.